Together we can change the world one life at a time.

Support our ongoing mission

We are a qualified 501c3 non-profit organization sustained by the generosity of people like you who want to support the needs of our ongoing mission through recurring monthly or annual donations.

Our staff is small, and we keep our overhead lean, but resources are still needed every month just to keep things going.

By helping us meet the needs of our ongoing operations, you enable us to support even more Work Week teams helping people in need of even the most basic necessities required for survival.

We would love an opportunity to share with you, one-on-one, even more about our heart, our mission, and our ongoing financial needs, so you can determine how you'd like to partner with us financially.

Let's Connect!


Provide financial support for a specific need or to a specific Work Week Team through a one-time donation. Any donation of $10 or more will receive an acknowledgement letter for tax deduction purposes.


Example Donation Amounts for Specific Needs:

$30 provides a desk for a child
$50 provides seeds for a family to grow their own food
$50 provides a family with a water filter
$120 provides 4 school desks
$319 provides an Aller clean air stove for a family
$638 provides Aller clean air stoves for 2 families
$750 provides a water storage tank for a family
$1,200 provides an entire classroom with school desks
$2,500 provides needed equipment for the Aller Skill Center
$3,600 outfits an entire 3-room school
$5,000 sponsors expansion of the Aller Skill Center in Xela

Donate toward a specific program or project…..

Make A One-Time Donation
Dr. Leeon & Virginia Aller Legacy Gift
Dave & Wilma Price Legacy Gift
New road to El Moxon
West Seattle Stoves 2025
Participation Team West Seattle 2025
2026 Blanca Flor Water Project
Marine View Stoves 2025
Marine View Participation 2025